Mental Health Friday!

Published on October 25, 2024

Happy Friday Everyone!!

Why do we feel so guilty about taking our mental health days? What does it mean to take a mental health day? A mental health day is a day where you prioritise your mental health and take off from any commitments or responsibilities by indulging in some self care!

Why is this important!? Much like a cog in a wheel the moment that gets stuck everything stops!

We are advocates of our staff taking a day off - doesn't even have to be a Friday - when they're overwhelmed or have a heavy work load! We want our staff on top of their games so if they need a day we recognise that and you need to do the same!

What good are you if you can't work to your full potential! If you look after yourself - you'll love what you do!

Go take some you time if you need it!💓

We hope you have the best of weekends!